For Hard Money Lenders in Georgia we are seeing that most investors are buying a property for 30% more than what they should be. So it just tells you that real estate investors in Georgia need to be looking for better deals. There is lots of Hard Money Lenders in Georgia who are seeing a deal that are not much worthwhile for both investors and hard money lenders and that is just the bottom line. So it is important to know how to evaluate good deals and for that you need to look at actives and sold ones. You got to look at lowest actives and lowest solds in fixed up condition. If you look at lowest actives and lowest sold ones in fixed up condition you are going to find a good deal. I know it is exciting when you find the deal and you think that deal could make you a lot of money but in fact that we are seeing the Hard Money Lenders in Georgia are people offering 30% more in getting properties under contract, 30% more than what they are really worth which means you are not going to make any money on that.
Another interesting aspect which Hard Money Lenders in Georgia seeing is that real estate investors are falling in love with property. I want to give you an example. There is a borrower who came to us really excited about the property. We let him know how much we are going to be able to lend to him and it is less money what they were expecting actually. They worked something out. They got a seller take a little bit less, came in with some cash and we ended up funding the deal. Five months later they don’t have the property sold and they thought we were crazy when we told them how much the property is worth. They said there is no way the property is worth that low. It is worth so much high than what you are thinking and here they are with the property at the same price that we recommended. They are pricing down over time and they are not getting offer even at the value that we gave them because it has been on the market too long and they dropped their price and all the buyers looked at it and coming back around.
So Hard Money Lenders in Georgia want you to know two things today; number one is buying the property right. Most people are paying 30% too much to the property so be careful with that. How to establish what the property is worth, look at your actives, sold ones, fixed up, lowest actives, lowest solds in the immediate area fixed up that is whatYour property is going to sell for and lastly it is important not to fall in love with these properties. You got to look at it as an investment, don’t overlook comparables.
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